
感染症学雑誌 88, 5, 704 - 707 (2014)
第XII 脳神経症状を伴い,緩徐な経過で高齢発症したLemierre 症候群の1例


中道 聖子, 泉川 公一, 井上 圭太, 坂本 憲穂, 石松 祐二, 河野 茂, 大園 惠幸


Original Research


We report herein on the case of a 71-year-old woman hospitalized for continued postauricular pain of unknown origin with tongue deviation. In view of the severe inflammatory reaction and multiple nodular shadows of the lungs, the existence of infectious disease was indicated. A contrast-enhanced CT scan of the neck revealed a thrombosis of the right internal jugular vein, osteomyelitis of right temporal-occipital bone and upper cervical spine, and cellulitis of the adjacent soft tissue. Multiple nodular shadows of the lungs were suspected to be the result of a metastatic septic embolism. Hence, she was diagnosed with Lemierre syndrome. Following treatment with long course of antimicrobial therapy including beta-lactams and clindamycin,complete recovery in this patient was achieved.